Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Muffin Mania : Muffin Coklat

Chocolate Muffin

Kalo kamu suka sarapan cepat, muffin ini bisa jadi pilihan tepat. Selain bahannya yang mudah proses pembuatannya juga tidak susah. Saya dapat resepnya dari Regina ibu muda yang sedang suka sekali mengasuh putra semata wayangnya :D. Notes di facebook Regina membuat mata saya tak lepas dari resep satu ini, yup...gampang dibuat dan tentunya tak banyak bahan yang dibutuhkan. 

Saya hanya menambahkan sedikit chocolate chips untuk taburan yang kebetulan memang jadi favorit kami.

Best Ever Muffin Recipe
Source : Allrecipe

Ingredients :

250g (2 cups) plain flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
155g (2/3rds cup) caster sugar
1 egg
250ml (1 cup) any low fat milk
3 tablespoons vegetable oil

Preparation Method :

Preheat oven to 200 C.
Stir together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre. In a small bowl, beat egg with a fork. Stir in milk and oil. Pour all at once into the well in the flour mixture. Mix quickly and lightly with a fork until moistened, but do not beat. The mixture will be thick and lumpy.
Variations: Blueberry Muffins: Add 150g (1 cup) fresh blueberries. Sultana Muffins: Add 155g (1 cup) sultanas. Date Muffins: Add 155g (1 cup) finely chopped dates. Cheese Muffins: Fold in 125g (1 cup )grated Cheddar cheese, and reduce sugar by half. Bacon Muffins: Fold in 100g crisp cooked, diced bacon, and reduce sugar to 3 teaspoons.
Spoon the mixture between 12,well greased muffin pans or line pans with paper muffin cups. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown and firm to touch.

Liputan Pesta Blogger bersama gank "tante" hore akan segera tayang di blog Klub Berani Baking :)

Foto dari kiri ke kanan : Sherry Andriani, Jeng Arie Dyah, Elsye, Ienas Tsuroiya, Yohana Halim, Emma Isti, Caroline Atmadja. Duduk : Jane Sipatulpa, Lina Hidayat

KBB Pesta Blogger 2010

Terima kasih sudah berbagi keceriaan dan berbagi ilmu, salut buat ibu-ibu ini :D !


Anonymous said...

Elsye, jadi pengen muffins..hehehhe...fotonya bening dan cakep as usual....:)

Elsye said...

Iya Rooss yang ini gampang banget bikinnya, cepet lagi..:D...nuhunnnn masih gini2 aja ROos foto teh..hikss..;D

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