Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rujak Buah


Hari panas paling enak memang mencocol rujak manis pedas. Ditambah buah-buahan kesukaan pastinya mantap. Dari pada mesti nunggu tukang rujak, enaknya bisa bikin rujak sendiri ;) . Yang repot cuma jalan ke pasarnya beli buah dan bahan-bahannya.

Kalo kita paling suka dengan buah yang sedikit asam, ditambah cocolan sambal rujak udah dipastikan satu piring buah bakal tandas seketika...

Yukkk cobain ...gampang juga ceppettt...;)


Rujak Buah

Bahan :
50 gr kacang tanah goreng
100-150 gr gula merah
sejumput garam
cabai rawit
cabai merah
asam jawa
terasi (optional)
sedikit air
Buah : Pepaya, bangkuang, nanas, timun, kedondong (sesuai selera)

Cara :
Uleg cabe, garam, terasi (opsional) dan asam jawa, masukan kacang tanah uleg rata kemudian tambahkan gula merah beri sedikit air untuk mengentalkan.


Selamat mencobaaa...;)

Monday, April 2, 2012

KBB #28 : Torta Pasqualina

Akhirnya bisa tayang juga

Torta Pasqualina is a typical Italian Easter recipe that comes from Liguria. It is a traditional tart made with a thin pastry stuffed with vegetables, ricotta cheese, Parmesan and eggs and it is traditionally prepared the Easter day as an appetizer. Source : Italian Food Recipe

Ini salah satu tantangan yang lumayan rumit, selain perlu waktu, horenzo yang harusnya dipakai diresep ini, saya ganti dengan daun melinjo muda :P agak aneh memang, tapi apa mau dikata si horenzo yang dicari tak ketemu juga. Majorkam, diganti juga dengan basil dan oregano.

Yang paling sulit adalah menggilas adonan kulit sampai tipis, mesti hati-hati karena takut robek. Nah untuk rasa, ehmm kalau tak diberi keju parmesan atau cheddar sebanyak-banyaknya, rasa cake ini bener-bener tak berasa aka anyep. Harus ditambah sedikit garam dan keju.

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600 g (1 lb 5 oz) white flour
6 Tbs olive oil
a pinch of salt

1 kg (2 lb) Swiss chard (silver beet) or spinach
400 g (0.9 lb) cottage cheese/ricotta cheese
100 g (3.5 oz) parmesan
10 eggs
2 teaspoons marjoram, chopped
2 teaspoons parsley, chopped
garlic, minced (optional)
olive oil
salt, pepper



-Combine flour, oil, a pinch of salt and enough cold water to make a medium soft dough.
-Knead well for 10 minutes or until the dough becomes elastic. -Divide the dough into 14 balls.
-Cover with cloth and let stand for about 1 hour.

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-Clean, wash and dry the Swiss chard.
-Place in a saucepan with little boiling water and cook at high heat until wilted.
-Cool, then squeeze out excess liquid and chop finely.
-Add 50 g (1.7 oz) parmesan cheese, marjoram, parsley, garlic and 2 eggs. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Oil a round shallow oven dish, 9 inches (22 cm) in diameter.

4. Flatten each piece of dough, one at a time, making each a very thin disk, larger than the baking pan you are going to use.

5. Lay the pastry on the oven dish, allowing it to flow over the edges. Oil it lightly.

6. Place another disk over it and repeat until you have used 7 disks.

7. Spread the Swiss chard stuffing over the dough, and then spread the cottage cheese over the greens level with a knife.

8. Make 8 small cavities. Pour a raw egg into each cavity and sprinkle each with salt, pepper and remaining parmesan cheese.

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