Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Green Tea Pound Cake

green tea pound cake

Saya kebetulan dapat beberapa botol kecil green tea powder dari toko bahan kue langganan. Rasanya sayang jika pengujian cake beraroma teh hijau ini dilewatkan. Tau sendiri bila saya yang terobsesi jadi tukang kue tidak memberdayakan bahan yang ada, pastinya kepala jadi pusing *smile*.

Pas waktunya mood saya sedang bagus, dan ingatan lagi melayang ke satu waktu dimana kami masih tinggal disalah satu negara asia. Saya masih ingat betapa hampir setiap hari kami minum bergelas-gelas teh hijau tanpa tambahan gula. Apalagi ketika musim panas mulai tiba, teh hijau dingin bisa kami  konsumsi sampai berliter-liter.

Spring ?
Green Tea Pound Cake 
Source : Milk and Honey Cafe
makes one 9x5 loaf or two mini loaves
recipe from Fountain of Life Green Tea Company

2 cups bleached all-purpose four
2 tablespoons Matcha green tea
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 sticks soft unsalted butter
2 cups confectioners' sugar
5 large eggs, separated
Pinch of salt


green tea pound cake

  1. Butter a 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan and line with buttered parchment or wax paper—cut to fit. Set a rack in the middle level of the oven and preheat to 325F. Combine the flour, green tea and baking powder and stir well to mix.  
  2. Cream butter and confectioners sugar in bowl of mixer with paddle attachment and beat for about 3 minutes or until light. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping bowl and beater occasionally with a rubber spatula. Remove the bowl from the mixer and fold in the flour mixture by hand, with a rubber spatula.  
  3. Pour the egg whites and salt into a clean, dry mixer bowl. Place on mixer with whisk attachment and whip whites on medium speed until white and opaque and just beginning to hold their shape. Increase speed slightly and continue whipping egg whites until they hold a soft peak.  
  4. Remove bowl from mixer and quickly scrape whites from bowl onto batter in other bowl. Use a large rubber spatula to fold the egg whites into the batter, folding just until no streaks of white remain.  
  5. Scrape the batter into prepared pans and smooth the top. Bake the cakes for about 45 minutes (35-40 minutes for mini loaf pans) or until it is well risen and a toothpick inserted in the center emerges dry. Cool the cakes in the pans on a rack for 10 minutes, then un-mold and cool it completely.  


Well, hasil percobaan saya ini adalah : rasa cake enak ! moist, tidak begitu manis, gampang pembuatannya dan yang pasti rasa teh hijau yang samar-samar membuat pikiran saya beralih kembali ke masa lalu. Patut untuk di coba !


Anonymous said...

foto foto nya bagus sekali, kue nya jg keliatan enak banget ! :)

Elsye said...

Thanks yaa...:D...

Retno Prihadana said...

asiiiik elsye mulai posting lagi:). Ikut nyicip ah, kangen sama photonya yg selalu memukau

otty said...

Sok kenal dikit, ini Elsye yang disebut2 sama Sefa ya? Hehe...

Nemu blognya setelah googling green tea pound cake buat ngabisin green tea di kulkas, aku coba resepnya ya :)

Elsye said...

Sefa .. iyah kenal ama doi ;D..

sip coba aja thankss udah mampir yahhh :D

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